Discover why Pinterest's Gen Z focus is a strategic long game set to pay off big for brands willing to invest.
All tagged One Liners
Discover why Pinterest's Gen Z focus is a strategic long game set to pay off big for brands willing to invest.
Invest in active buyers because active buyers are invested in you! Leads from your digital channels have invested a very precious resource into your potential partnership, their time.
🐔Chicken, marketing, oh my. A chicken sandwich renaissance creates intrigue for the tastebuds and the marketing brain.
Smartphone upgrades have evolved but thankfully so has the smartphone!
I have used the new-ish Facebook reactions only once. In this post we use the marginal benefit/cost equation to demonstrate why Facebook isn't changing the game with this feature.
I love the intersection of 'Bricks and Clicks' here. I remember as a kid, the joy, the satisfaction I got from going to the bank depositing the money I earned from mowing lawns. It is sad to think that my future kinds will most likely never have this feeling.