What got you here, won't get you there.
There are many people who have found success in life or business by doing what they know, and sticking to it. There is no doubt that this strategy has worked for them in the past, but there comes a point when you need to change up your approach if you want to continue being successful.
It can be difficult to change the way we do things when we feel like we're on a roll with our current method. However, it's important not just because of potential stagnation, but also because the world around us is constantly changing and evolving - so should your approach!
For example - if you have been using a certain marketing campaign that works well now, remember that eventually, those tactics will go out of style as other methods/channels become the new hotness.
It’s easy to get complacent in your career without developing new skills or expanding your knowledge base.
Skills you used successfully for a certain job might not be as effective when applied in different roles.
A real-life example... When developing a plan for an ongoing initiative at work, we realized the desired outcome was out of reach given the organization's historical performance in a given discipline. And although we've had some success in the past, it will not be enough to achieve our desired result. So rather than doubling down on what got us here, we needed a new approach-one that reflects a willingness to break assumptions.
This is our BHAG - BHAG is a term conceived of in the book Built to Last. A BHAG (pronounced “Bee Hag,” short for "Big Hairy Audacious Goal") is an effective way to stimulate progress. A BHAG is clear and compelling, requiring little explanation; people get it.
THIS is my current challenge. How I am changing up my approach? How am I inspiring our group to accomplish our BHAG? Achieving this goal requires collaboration but also a coordinated effort to break the mold.
Yours may be different. You may have to develop a range of soft or hard skills, maybe it's cultivating a meaningful relationship.
I am asking my partners to be flexible and open to change, if we change certain assumptions, certain things that "have always been this way" what are our next steps to make the new world our reality?
Alright, ready for it? The mental model to try something new:
Ask yourself what the next step should be to accomplish your goal. Take it!
Evaluate how that small (smart)step moved you towards your goal.
Build that learning into what you do next.
Take another small (smart) step