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No Guarantees... Twitter Verification Application Open to the Public

Two days… Two freaking days was all it took for Twitter to determine my account, @JSAND4MAYOR, did not need to be verified…

Twitter told me to check myself… In so many words they basically said “we aren't saying you aren't the real Jeff Sanders. We just don't care…” 

To be honest, this was the outcome I expected. I don't have issues with people attempting to impersonate me, I am not yet running for Mayor, I don't have loads of people requesting to talk to me and potentially finding the wrong Jeff Sanders… but damn it hurts to be rejected…

Based on all of the published criteria, I fit the bill...

  • A verified phone number
  • A confirmed email address
  • A bio
  • A profile photo
  • A header photo
  • A birthday (for accounts that are not company, brand, or organization accounts)
  • A website
  • Tweets set as public in Tweet privacy settings

So I followed the process to request the verification badge only to be rejected like I was asking the prom queen on a date…

Despite this not being the outcome I was hoping for, my rejection did give me hope that the Twitter verified badge still means something. My rejection means there are additional objective and/or subjective criteria which go into the determination. Twitter is being selective in who gets verified, even if it is just a few interns reading applications on a Twitter couch with their hashtag pillows like Scarface in Half Baked...